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What is a digital nomad? What are the pros and cons?

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You may think that being a digital nomad means you can work from anywhere, but does it? What is the definition of this term and what are the benefits to becoming one? Read on to find out.

What is a Digital Nomad?

As you may have guessed, being a digital nomad means that you can work from anywhere, typically through online jobs. This term was coined in the 1990s, during the height of the dot-com boom, by J.A. Shapira and Mika Pantzar. They came up with it while traveling through Southeast Asia and freelancing as web designers under their company name “The Digital Nomads.”

The definition has evolved since then to include anyone who works remotely or without an office set location. These people might move around often to avoid boredom, find better weather, be outside more, get away from undesirable living or work situations, or live in more affordable areas with better living conditions (less pollution, more opportunities to be around nature, lower cost of living, etc). Digital Nomads are often known as being independent and resourceful people who enjoy traveling and don’t need a traditional office space.

One very important requirement most location independent remote workers can’t go without is reliable and, preferably, fast internet. They can work from coffee shops, paid or free coworking spaces, libraries, or any exotic place around the world with a decent wi-fi or wired connection. 

There is a new type of digital travelers fast-growing community since covid-19 hit the world in 2020: the full-time RVers or full-time campers. Full-timers, as they are often called in the recreational vehicles community, have a motorhome or travel trailer they tow with a truck, and move from campground to campground exploring new parks and sites while making money online. There is a variety of jobs nowadays, especially after covid, that allows remote working or working from varying locations for set periods of time, such as traveling nurses, photographers, bloggers, online tutors, virtual assistants, graphic designers, computer programmers, day stock traders, among others. 

What are the benefits of working from anywhere?

There can be many advantages to the digital nomad lifestyle. Here are just some of them:

  • more time and freedom to spend on things you enjoy besides work;
  • freedom to travel potentially anywhere you would like to visit;
  • stay as long as you want at any location;
  • easier access to nature and interesting places without traveling far from home;
  • no commute time spent driving or waiting for public transportation to get to work;
  • no commuting cost;
  • potential to save a lot of money in housing, food, and entertainment depending on where you live;
  • you may avoid paying state tax if you move to certain areas;
  • saving money by not having an expensive work-space;
  • opportunity to learn or practice a foreign language;
  • experience and learn about new cultures;

Disadvantages to consider

  • typically, there is a lot of research and things that need to be done before going to other countries;
  • moving from one place to another often can be stressful and tiring;
  • the road can get lonely;
  • your work productivity can be negatively impacted by frequent change;
  • the feeling of adventure can be replaced by a craving for more stability;
  • you may not have the same comforts and conveniences of your previous homeland;
  • government services and policies may not be as fast, reliable, or favorable as what you were used to;
  • you may not be allowed to travel to certain nations without taking covid-19 or other vaccines;
  • travel health insurance can be very expensive for foreigners;

Is a digital native the same as a digital nomad?

No. Although similar, the terms digital native and digital nomad do not mean the same thing. Digital natives are people born in the digital era that grew up with technology at their fingertips, regardless of where they live or their ability to work online remotely from anywhere. They can be of any age but most often the term refers to those under 25 years old. As we have seen earlier in this article, digital nomads are people who can work from anywhere, typically through online jobs.

The nomad lifestyle provides more time off for whatever rocks your boat: hobbies, biking, hiking, exercising, exploring new places, going on adventures, and so on. The list of things you can do with more time in your hands is endless!

If you are interested in joining the digital nomad lifestyle check out the articles below and join our Business Mastermind where you can learn about different ways to make money online through digital marketing, enjoy business coaching, tips, and weekly live calls. All absolutely FREE.

For RV camping and renovations tips and bits join our RVing Tips and Bits Facebook Group where you can have your RVing and camping-related questions answered, be on the know when new articles hit the site, and meet other like-minded free spirits. 

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